You’ll need to find the folder for The Sims 4 Mods. RELATED: The Sims 4: 10 Of The Best Mods To Prepare For Realm Of Magic. Aside from mods used to add more traits or aspirations, there are a lot of them simmers could be using to beautify The Sims 4. Most Sims fanatics have folders upon folders of mods (also called Custom Content or CC for short) for their game taking up a lot of gigs on their computers. The Sims 4 Infinite Skin Realistic Mod The Sims 4 Special.

Below we have selected the top sims 4 realistic body mods for you to download. It adds additional human-like features in the game like skin color, hairstyles, body type and much more. The Sims 4 realistic mods are designed to make the game more realism. (Jan 14, 2021) Then click on Sims 4 Hair, Hairstyles Mods download and follow the The mod contains the pubic hair textures.